Archive for the ‘bla’ Category


me, alice

October 17, 2013

oooooooff wiiith myyy heeeeaaaaad!…



January 10, 2013

i’ve got some dead friends who live on inside me
i’ve got some living who are dying inside


în gât [h.m.]

January 3, 2013

da, pe cuvânt, m-aş exporta.


baliza [a.p.]

October 31, 2012

chiar, cum să mai ascult vladimir vîsoţki?
eu cu sticla de votkă sau de whisky nu am, în mod deosebit, treabă.
deci nu asta ar fi problema. însă mai ascult cohen şi pink floyd.
în plus, ascult şi nick cave, calavera, rasputina.
aşa, fără nici o legătură [?].


lupul [şi] lupul [l.d.]

October 14, 2012

fierbinte, cât mai fierbinte
ceaiul să-l ţin la dinte,
tare, cât mai tare
muzica, să uit că mă doare,
că din nou afară s-a luminat,
că a plouat
şi mai picură din jgheaburi,
că totul e-nvelit în aburi.

lupul posomorât [şi]
lupul ros de melancolie şi urât.

totul a fost întrerupt deoarece
prin încăperi trecuse un şoarece.
dar, vă daţi seama, nu era un şoarece obişnuit:
avea coada ruptă şi dura la nesfârşit.
trecerea lui plină de chiţăit şi putoare
era foarte mare.

lupul posomorât [şi]
lupul ros de melancolie şi urât.

atunci m-am îndreptat spre manufacturi
şi-am început să fac tot felul de cumpărături
fără alegere, fără rost,
pentru anotimpurile care-au fost.

lupul posomorât [şi]
lupul ros de melancolie şi urât.



September 26, 2012

– am replantat aloe vera;
– m-am tuns;
– am ascultat muzică;
– am spălat;
– m-am uitat în gol;
– am întors un pahar;
– am făcut fotografii;
– am scris.

de dormit, n-am dormit. oricum, trebuia sa mă trezesc pe la 5.


hot religious doubledating

February 1, 2012

pj: i’m so fucking, fucking, fucking, hot!

vincent: i know you are, babe.

pj: no, it’s quite hot in here.

vincent: are you stupid? it’s the nature of my glass house. oh, fabulous, here’s matthew and björk.

björk: hello.

matthew: vincent, polly, good to see you.

björk: i’m so excited! i’ve never been on such an artistic and exclusive double date before. the erotic re-awakening that matthew has brought about in me has opened a lot of plebeian activities that i’ve not experienced before now. i’m loving it, to do these things that aren’t necessarily elfin.

vincent: yeah, björk, whatever. i just wanna know when you two get down, who’s wearing the clovenhoof strap-on?

pj: vincent! how rude! could i weigh any less? i’m really quite shy of my weight, but i like to take on characters for performing with the use of make-up. eye make-up and lipstick and some more lipstick – it’s really quite transformative. and when i’ve thrown up everything i’ve just eaten then I feel…

björk: oh to throw up… it means what? also, everybody, what is the definition of disingenuous? i want to know so many things. i’ve got a lot of money for designer clothes. i can just trudge through the desert getting my comme-des-garçons skirt all dirty and dusty. it don’t matter. if hopping into a live volcano feels right, i say do it.

matthew: i say, cappuccinos are fine with me on the downtime, but what do you kids say to a picnic? i’ve got the basket and the bent waiting. we could play some touch football, what do you say?

vincent: hey, yeah, matthew, we’re both hot former football players. i know björk can fight like a motherfucker, but polly would snap like a twig at the smallest tackle. let’s put her on a hook and do some minnow fishing. polly? oh look, she’s banging her head against the wall and björk’s recording it.

björk: the rhythm! it moves my insides like sunshine jelly!

matthew: isn’t she a darling thing?

vincent: when she says ‘jelly’ it makes me think of someone’s ass, and then i think…

matthew: how dare you, sir! that’s my childwoman you’re speaking of!

vincent: matthew, i didn’t say björk, i’m just thinking of any ass. not even necessarily a woman, it could be my own ass. like my ass is…

pj: vincent you are an ass! you are an ass!

matthew: what about my ass? it’s hard from sports.

this repulsive celebrity double date has been brought to you by the church of latter day saints.


it did come, but you did hit it [j.w.]

January 4, 2012

he was always a little boy, and i am upset that i didn’t look after him, upset that there are so many kids who never get looked after, and so they can’t grow up. they can get older, but they can’t grow up. that takes love. if you are lucky the love will come later. if you are lucky you won’t hit love in the face.



November 25, 2011

teenage on the train to king’s cross:

‘i remember like when i was like little, and i was like waiting for dad in this like place, and it was this like this tall sharp thing in front of me like and i was like standing there like, and he was like late and i was like feeling lost. i remember that like very well. i remember like…’



November 2, 2011

– cât e ceasul?
– miercuri, toamna.
– groaznic.



September 8, 2011

discuţie între tată şi fiu:
– tati, cine a inventat ceasul?
– a cam fost inventat pe bucăţi.
– tati, dar cum ştiau oamenii primitivi cât e ceasul?
– păi nu prea ştiau… au făcut clepsidre, nişte cadrane solare… înţelegi?

discuţie între două persoane adulte:
– au nişte aparate, ca nişte ventuze, pe care le pune…
– pe corp?
– pe corp. am două vecine care…
– care a făcut?
– care a făcut.


entry de pe un blog care nu mai e

February 7, 2010

stăpâne, stăpâne, mai cheamă ş’un câne…



September 10, 2008

ma apuca poezia cand ies la tigara pe balconul platforma.



January 10, 2008

asa de bine m-am obisnuit cu ceea ce fac, incat, atunci cand aud vreo voce la tv, mi se intampla sa vreau sa scriu ce spune.


ard mainile

July 20, 2007

mi-am legat incheieturile si palmele in niste fasii de panza galbene si ude.



May 24, 2007

in ultima vreme m-am simtit tot mai des ca in bancul ala cu cainele care are o privire inteligenta, dar dificultati in exprimare.



May 16, 2007

azi am mancat si baut, in ordine cronologica:
– cafeaua de ieri seara
– ultimii trei biscuiti cu fulgi de ciocolata (mari. fulgii.)
– kefir cu sare
– cafea proaspata (cu lapte si scortisoara)
– un sanvis cu pasta de branza si ceapa verde, doua feluri de cascaval si un fel de branza – toate cu piros arany (csemege)
– alti biscuiti cu fulgi de ciocolata, cumparati proaspat de eva
– suc de mere
– orez cu mirodenii si cascaval (doar juma de portie, n-a fost chiar grozav)
– suc de mere (da, a doua oara)

astept cu nerabdare urmatoarea incursiune in bucatarie.



March 18, 2007

da, din cand in cand. de cele mai multe ori nu depinde de mine si nu inteleg mecanismul. atunci cand depinde insa, nu sunt cele mai frumoase cuvinte. si nici n-as avea motive sa fie. merge incet, dar merge. eu am rabdare.


first entry

March 6, 2007

blah. da’ din tot sufletul.